NSHN LTC Residents Receive First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine
Lorraine Cada, a Resident of the NSHN Long-Term Care Home, was all smiles after receiving NSHNs first dose of COVID-19 vaccine today from Kaylina Beckerton, RPN.
Today the Residents of the North Shore Health Network (NSHN) Long-Term Care Home received their first doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.
Amidst cheers, Lorraine Cada, was the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
Lorraine, a proud member of the nearby Mississauga First Nation, was a little bit nervous, but simply stated “it has to be done.”
“Today was a turning point worthy of celebration,” said Nicholas Fraser, NSHN’s Occupational Health & Infection Control Coordinator. He added “it feels like the first real strike against an invisible enemy we’ve been fighting for over a year now.”